“I once was told a cure for MS was a million miles away,
so I thought I would just go get it and bring it back.”

Video Courtesy of META
My name is Paul Pelland and in 2012 I recalculated my life’s road by deciding to share and chronicle my life’s journey; the difficult challenges I have faced and how I overcame them, my life-long passion of long distance motorcycling, and for the first time, openly discussing and dealing with everyday challenges brought on by having the often disabling diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.
My mission is to document riding one million miles with MS, for MS. My hope is that by sharing my story I will inspire others who are facing tough challenges in life to never stop chasing their passions and dreams, while also raising awareness and funds as I continue Chasing The Cure.
My journey involves traveling exclusively by motorcycle for as long as I physically can, speaking at various events, conferences, rallies and support group meetings across the country. We all struggle to navigate around the potholes of life, and the stories I share can inspire any audience. My progress is posted across my social media channels in real time. In the first 10 years I have been able to ride over 640,000 miles for MS, raise $400,000 for charity, set four world records and share my story at over 500 events across the United States!
Please take a moment to like, subscribe and share my social media channels. It costs nothing to Follow me on social media, but it’s an important way YOU can help share my story and help me secure corporate sponsors so that I can continue my journey.
Facebook YouTube Instagram
If you would like to contribute a few dollars a month to my gas tank fund and receive a limited edition LHP Calendar each year, you can join the Official Longhaulpaul Support Club on PATREON HERE.
Check out my new recommended products page on AMAZON. Purchases made through my page earn me a small percentage of the sale. I run various fundraisers each year, including the MS5000 and MS1000.
Since 2013, I have been writing a column for ABILITY Magazine and my road tales and product reviews have been published in META Magazine, Motorcyclist, Iron Butt Magazine, Motorcyclist’s Post, ADV Moto and many others. My million mile journey has been featured on television, in newspapers, and dozens of podcasts as well. My first Yamaha Super Tenere CURECHASER was retired after 172,000 miles and now is on display at Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum in Birmingham Alabama. In 2018 Yamaha Motors USA officially announced their support of my journey and donated a Star Venture luxury touring motorcycle. In 2020, they donated a Tenere 700 which I rode for 200,000 miles! What bike will be next?

My blog Mile Posts chronicles my life on the road. Older posts, classic stories and world record rides are archived HERE
Please Support My Fundraisers
The Ride to Reach Rural America
With your help, I have raised $400,000 for MS Charities. In 2018, my fundraising efforts and events began supporting MS Views and News. Partnering with MSVN, we deliver unbiased MS educational programs and services to patients and their families living in remote and rural areas of the country where they are needed most. All donations made in recognition of my journey will be used by MSVN to improve the lives of people in the MS community by delivering education and inspiration where it is needed most.
There are MILLIONS of miles of roads on this earth, each and every one of them intersected with crossroads representing different paths, and therefore not all of us are supposed to take the fastest route. Slow down, recalculate, detour, wander or shift, because a round-about can still get you to your goal, and believe me, sometimes that ride, that journey, that side trip adventure, will become much more important than your destination.

how many miles on the Tenere 700 now?? last I knew it was 170,000
Closing in on 200K. Not a big mileage year, probably end up with 35K on the T7, 10K on the Tracer GT+ and 200 miles on my Yamaha E-bike!
After 20 years of MS treated from 2000 to 2006 with Rebif(efficient to that year) and then Avonex(not efficient to calm down my lesions’ number increase) i found this website Natural herbs enter . just 3 months ago, and their current Ayurvedic health tech to help curb/manage it. Decided to give it a try and it has made a tremendous difference for me I had improved walking balance, muscle strength and improved vision, always thankful for nature that helps in managing these terrible diseases. Thank you for giving those of us with Multiple sclerosis a new hope. Google naturalherbscentre
I started out taking only Azilect, then Mirapex,and then dopamine for my Parkinson disease, as the disease progressed they didn’t help much. A year ago I started on PD TREATMENT PROTOCOL from Aknni Herbs Centre (w w w. aknniherbscentre .com). One month into the treatment, I made a significant recovery, my symptoms were gone including tremors . It’s been months since I completed the treatment, I am symptom free and I live a very productive life all thanks to Aknni herbs centre !!!
hey Paul, with all the big miles you do on the T7 have you changed the stock gearing at all so when you’re pounding out miles the engine can breathe a little easier
i was researching about autoimmune diseases(Multiple Sclerosis to be specific) and current health tech to help curb/manage it and i found this website natural herbs centre It made a tremendous difference for me I had improved walking balance, muscle strength and improved vision, always thankful for nature that helps in managing these terrible diseases. I’m active now, I can personally vouch for these remedy but you would probably need to decide what works best for you.
monuments related to deep
new texts were rewritten
handwritten by the author.
Many calligraphers have acquired
Just bought a 2022 super tenere what kind of oil did you use in the two of yours thanks and good luck Tom in Connecticut
Testaru. Best known
Quando hanno progettato il loro studio, i ricercatori volevano sapere se l’esercizio alla stessa ora ogni giorno fosse più efficace rispetto all’esercizio in orari diversi, cioè se
si vedessero risultati migliori esercitandosi a un orario costante rispetto a diversi orari.
Secondo i ricercatori, il tempo gioca un ruolo cruciale nella
perdita di peso: le fluttuazioni giornaliere nel momento in cui ci si allena possono compromettere la capacità di mantenere la perdita di peso.
Inoltre, il loro studio ha rilevato che non esiste un orario
“magico” per iniziare. In realtà, il segreto
è mantenere una routine di esercizi.
“Non sappiamo quali siano gli orari ottimali, ma la cosa più importante è che non bisogna cercare di programmare ogni volta l’esercizio fisico, ma solo mantenerlo costante”, afferma l’autore principale dello studio, Eric Schnapp, associato post-dottorato presso la divisione
di scienze dell’esercizio e dello sport dell’Università della
Carolina del Sud.
“Speriamo che si possano fare altri studi per capire questo aspetto, che è davvero importante da comprendere”, spiega al
E la vostra mattina? Se non siete persone
mattiniere o avete sempre trovato la mattina
difficile, c’è speranza.
“Va ancora bene”, dice Schnapp. “Per riuscire a fare esercizio al mattino, basta essere costanti. Se non avete voglia di farlo, fatelo comunque”.
La dieta non è solo un piano alimentare: È come ci si sente.
Se vi sentite ancora sopraffatti da ciò che dovete fare per perdere peso e
vi sentite sopraffatti dal vostro stato d’animo (per non parlare del vostro piano alimentare!),
consolatevi con questo fatto: la vostra dieta non deve essere
un piano rigoroso di conteggio delle calorie. Certo, non si
deve indulgere ogni tanto, ma non si devono nemmeno eliminare tutti i
cibi preferiti.
Come promemoria, ci sono una serie di alimenti non salutari che sono assolutamente consentiti quando si
segue un programma di perdita di peso. Molti di essi non sono presenti nel menu della dieta dimagrante,
come il gelato, la pizza, gli hamburger, le patatine fritte, le ciambelle, le bevande zuccherate e altri
alimenti preferiti (che schifo, vero?).
L’obiettivo di qualsiasi dieta per la perdita
di peso è quello di ridurre le
My page :: Reduslim Compresse Minsan
A handwritten book is a book
Hi there! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell you I truly enjoy reading your posts. Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that deal with the same subjects? Many thanks!
I was diagnosed in 1996, before symptoms started. I am a pianist, suddenly unable to open my hands wide enough to get 8 keys. Nobody in my family had MS, nor my grandparents. Last year a cousin younger than me had MS, she is 40. I have primary progressive MS. I do not walk for the last 18 years, I was born in 1962. I have had 6 strokes and 1 heart attack.The Rebif (beta-1a) did very little to help me. The medical team did even less. After roughly five unending years of trauma in the family my MS developed into progressive. There have been many changes in the last 3 to 4 years. Many falls, many fractured bones, and three moves all in five years. I have gone downhill. Considerably. We tried every shot available but nothing was working. There has been little if any progress in finding a reliable treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, I started on MS Herbal Treatment from Kycuyu Health Clinic, the herbal treatment immensely helped my Multiple Sclerosis condition, i had huge improvements. My life is back. I Adhere anyone reading this to try natural approach.
go to kycuyuhealthclinic. com. My life is back. I Adhere anyone reading this to try natural approach.
I was diagnosed in 1996, before symptoms started. I am a pianist, suddenly unable to open my hands wide enough to get 8 keys. Nobody in my family had MS, nor my grandparents. Last year a cousin younger than me had MS, she is 40. I have primary progressive MS. I do not walk for the last 18 years, I was born in 1962. I have had 6 strokes and 1 heart attack.The Rebif (beta-1a) did very little to help me. The medical team did even less. After roughly five unending years of trauma in the family my MS developed into progressive. There have been many changes in the last 3 to 4 years. Many falls, many fractured bones, and three moves all in five years. I have gone downhill. Considerably. We tried every shot available but nothing was working. There has been little if any progress in finding a reliable treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, I started on MS Herbal Treatment from Kycuyu Health Clinic, the herbal treatment immensely helped my Multiple Sclerosis condition, i had huge improvements. My life is back. I Adhere anyone reading this to try natural approach.
It was great meeting you at the IMS show in Carlisle PA. The famous man who rode a Ural in the Iron Butt Rally. Keep going strong for MS Paul, you took a beating on that chopper but you lived to tell the story.
Nice to see you on a chopper. is a Harley next?
Hello Paul,
My husband is a “fan” of yours and someone you have taken time to chat with at MOM’s. Georg (no E at the end) is who I just ordered a calendar for. (7:05 pm, Nov 14, 2020)
Best wishes.
Hi Paul,
Can you tell me what Aerostich pants you use. Looking for summer pants that will help isolate me from the Venture heat.
And if I might ask, do you wear slacks or shorts under them.
I’m thinking about riding up to Aerostich to touch and feel, try on.
Jack Hubbard
Oak Creek, WI
Hello Paul, Carl Hoobler here. I spoke with you on 5 Jan at the Dallas motorcycle show. Was good to chat with you. Have thought about our visit and I’m thinking maybe I should do what you are doing but with a different agenda, that being not to be afraid to ride with diabetes. I have had a light go off in my head since our visit that weekend. What do you think of my idea? I know it takes a lot to get going as you have done but it is possible. Would give me good cause to get out and ride and not be afraid of confronting that disease that is holding me back from doing what I love to do most.
You are doing good work and bringing attention to something that many riders I’m sure had thought about themselves suffering from the same situation you have dealt with and overcome.
You have awesome willpower and perseverance and that is a quality that not everyone can say they have.
Again, I appreciate you taking time to chat with me. God speed and be safe on the road doing what you love to do.
Was nice talking to you the other night in Greenville South Carolina at the shuckin shack. Safe travels Paul. God bless you on your mission to 1,000,000 miles
hi there my name is stevethe breeze manchester,s million mile courier in 1994 i completed 1 million miles and was featured in the motorcycle news as marathon man in a million
Paul, Thank you for what you do for the so many people you come across riding across the USA! We saw you last night at the MSVN Benefit affair and cried from your story! You are another niracle worker! God Bless you!
hi there my name is stevethe breeze manchester,s million mile courier in 1994 i completed 1 million miles and was featured in the motorcycle news as marathon man in a million now cleared 2million
I have been riding about 50 years and lifetime miles around 450,ooo give or take a few. This might be my 3rd year with MS5000 and a Top Ten finish last year. Hope to bring more awareness to MS and enjoy a late season of riding.
hi there my name is stevethe breeze manchester,s million mile courier in 1994 i completed 1 million miles and was featured in the motorcycle news as marathon man in a million now cleared 2million
This Guy Named Paul — has so much to install – from coast to coast he brings his message and we applaud him — Go Paul Go
Fantastic approach to turning your personal challenge into very positive resources for others. I just posted a congrats to your 2001 IBR article when I was redirected here and learned of your life’s work. I am thrilled to find out that you are still riding and boy howdy you are riding! I take inspiration from your actions and writings. I’ve been dealing with severe spinal cord problems for 55 plus years. For decades my mystery ailment was treated as if I had MS. It wasn’t until my vision, breathing and heart were shutting down that the doctor’s came upon the true cause of my problems. Turns out I do not have MS but I do share many symptoms and treatment programs as if I did. So with that vague understanding of what you face day in and day out I just have to tell you how uplifting and inspirational your story and the work you do is to me. I have plans to help others with the lessons I’ve learned by living with my medical condition for so many years. Until now I wasn’t sure how to go about it or what might be the best way. You have given me a whole new perspective and a second wind. Thank you so much and once again, congratulations!
Saw your bike at Barbers… I was telling everyone standing around about your story… Hope it raises awareness and brings in more donations.
Great to meet you in Cleveland yesterday. Truly inspiring message and goals. One person CAN make a difference! Keep rolling and we will see you out on the road.
Great to meet you tonight at Fredericksburg BMW and learn about your mission. What a great and inspired/inspiring idea! I can’t wait to spread the word, proudly wearing your wearable business card and looking forward to someone asking what it’s all about! Ride safe and Godspeed!
Your story is really inspiring Paul. Hope you all the best in life. May one day we will meet on the road!
Thanks Paul for your talk tonight. Very inspiring!
Paul, thank you for the Heads up on Rocky Mayer seats. We hooked up and i just got my seat back. Wife Loves it. She could only ride 45-50 miles , we rode about 170 on Saturday , she said she felt like she only rode 35 mile on bike , quite a improvement ! I will get her up to 200, 250 soon as we used to ride alot years ago. Again thank you ! Rocky contacted me and i am on Disability so money was hard to come by but well worth it.
Your story is truly inspiring Paul. Stories like this make it much easier for those of us going through a similar experience. Keep up the great work and continue inspiring others.
I really loved this quote “It’s time we tell the world riding motorcycles is good for the mind, body and soul.”
I can honestly say, when I’m riding, nothing else in the world matters.
I so enjoy reading your posts, Paul. You crack me up
Love the new plate! If you’re ever in the Raleigh, North Carolina area let me know. I’d love to see you and play catch up. Keep doing wonderful things!
I live in Eastern Tennessee Paul. Looks a lot like Vermont but with way more continuous twisties. If your in the area I have excellent accomodations that your welcome to use 35 miles from Knoxville and 81 from Asheville. 7745738052 Gary V
I first heard of you on longriders radio with Justin Long. Since that episode I have watched all your videos and for some reason you have been in the forefront of my mind. With that being said, I just saw this video posted about a therapy that Canadian doctors have developed with 70% cure results. You might want to check it out.
We are currently admiring your travels from behind you on interstate 90 just outside of Buffalo! We were in a bit of traffic back there and notice your website on the back of the bike. Sounds like quite a rewarding adventure, not sure where you are headed next but good luck and thank you for all you do !!!
All our bests,
Tyler, Anna, Dottie and Francie
Newport, RI
Very inspiring story and continued journey the best to you akways safe travel and I had childhood cancer at 12 and am not well today I don’t give up but lately haven’t doing well getting afraid I’m
Not making it
This leads me to lifting my expectiaons higher for myself don’t ever give up my vet father taught me
Thank you I just saw this in fb
Life is a wild ride no matter how ws all do it peace love
It was awesome chatting with you today at National Powersports.
If there is anything more I can do, hit me up..
hi there my name is stevethe breeze manchester,s million mile courier in 1994 i completed 1 million miles and was featured in the motorcycle news as marathon man in a million
Good luck Paul.
ms is caused by gluten, search google for dr. Terry Wahls, safe riding!
Paul I met you the other day on Long Island when you spoke in Westbury. Very inspiring story and a charismatic speaker. I wish you safe travels and continued success in your journey. I hope to see you again and will be checking on your status. Continue showing everyone with MS that MS can hit hard but they can hit back harder.
Hi Paul, we sort of met at Rocket Moto this morning, although I did not actually know who you were I enjoyed talking with you very much, glad your clutch problem had a happy ending. I have known Adam and Jeannette since 1984 when I hired Adam on to my NET customer support group. Great friends great people. Now that I am more aware of who you are and your great work I look forward to following your journey albeit a remote following (: I do hope our paths cross again, we live in Castro Valley Ca. In the SF Bay area. And perhaps you would enjoy flying upside down in a Pitts Special Biplane between odometer runs!
My very best, Jerry Davis
MS has taken a bit of my spirit, but this brings me joy….Wishing you safe travels and much success on your journey…
There are no chance meetings. Millions of people need to hear your story Paul. I’m so excited to have you on our radio show tonight. Talking Motorcycles welcomes you!
Was just on 495 in Massachusetts and saw this badass dude on a decked out bike. Saw on his luggage box this website. Great job Paul. Keep riding!
Great job. I too am riding for MS. My wife was diagnosed with MS in 2006 and I will be riding from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to Ushuaia Argentina starting on Aug 30, 2014.
Good luck on your endeavors and keep the rubber side up!
Garry Kramer
Hi Paul,
A true inspiration and example of the “Never Give Up” spirit of “Team Ruptured Buzzard.” Permission requested to give you a link from my website to yours? I have sent you a private message on LinkedIn to offer you some hospitality when and as you may pass through my area of operations.
Also please note on my LinkedIn “INTERESTS” about – “Forming partnership connections to collaborate on a crowd-funded startup to establish a parts and GPS file depot at an Adventure Riding Colony on planet Mars. Visionary or lunatic – the difference is in the company you keep.”
…we should talk….
Rally on, my friend.
Dave “Stovebolt” Jankowsky
Victor, Idaho
Good luck Paul. Best wishes
Bill Harrigan
Hey Paul, My wife and I met you Tues night (Feb. 11) at Leos. You story and passion for bikes is awesome, I wish you the best of luck and PROMISE we will ride together in 2014. I need some details on the 50 day challenge, I am inspired to get my bike up and going sooner then later now..
Tom Ethier
What you are doing is so inspiring. I have MS and ride also. Because of MS I had to take a little over a year off but I am back at it again. I try very hard to ride every chance I get. You are awesome! Thanks for bringing more awareness to MS and for everything you are doing…
Ride Forever and May God be with you
It was a honor meeting you at VRB3
Hi Paul,
I just met you at the gas station in Candia NH. ( I am the guy on the 73 airhead), Just wanted wish you a safe trip. Good Luck !!!
Hi Paul – I made a mental note to check your website out when you passed me on 93NB this morning while on my way to work. What you are doing is AWESOME! Good luck to you … you have a new “follower” for sure! All my best ~ Janet (Windham, NH)
I think what you are doing is pretty awesome. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease 2 years ago and then, just recently, diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis (involuntary muscle weakness and loss of strength) on top of it. Like you I refuse to let the diseases define who I am and what I am capable of. I have some extreme rides planned myself for this year to raise funds and awareness for both of my diseases, although nothing quite as grand as your million mile plan
Stay safe out there and maybe our paths will cross on the road some day 
Just read your article in April/May 2013 “Ability” magazine. Have you contacted Jay Leno? Can’t hurt to try….
Good Luck Paul. Great attitude. Send me an email and I will give you contact info for when you pass through Albuquerque. Have shop, tools, bed, meal, shower, you name it.
Just heard about the MS5000 and although I work 6 days a week in the spring I now have a great reason to ride far on that day off. Thanks for all you are doing!!
Good luck on breaking the LD record!!
Without a doubt I’ll be following your progress. I’m not made of money but if there is something I can do in terms of support don’t be afraid to ask I’m just a little puddle jump away (Milton, NH)
Seriously considering the MS5000.
Paul, you’re in our thoughts every day now. 1, 000,000 miles…………. You’ll do it. Run safe..
hi there my name is stevethe breeze manchester,s million mile courier in 1994 i completed 1 million miles and was featured in the motorcycle news as marathon man in a million now cleared 2million got to 2million 291 thousand before big crash
Happy Birthday LongHaulPaul!!!!
Love your family in N. Dighton
Good luck Paul, Always great to see you. If I can help, let me know, Especially in the PA area.
Very Inspirational Paul!
Look forward to meeting you someday, we already have a small connection; I’m an IBA member, long ride enthusiast and did a bunch of welding on the Yankee Siege wrecking ball /mace you’re pictured with.
Keep up the great work!
I did notice the excellent welds on the ball, very professional!
Congratulations on your ride! Loved reading your tweets. Can’t wait to read your report.
Way to inspire SO many people! Am awaiting blogs and updates….
Glad to see you again Paul, even if it is only online, Best of luck with your quest and stay safe, we are all pulling for you.
Best of luck tomorrow and throughout your tour, Paul ! ….
I’m keeping an eye on you Paul. Lemmee know how I can help.
Aikens – the watcher.
You are ‘Da MAN! Pulling for you, mah brudder!
we’re rooting for you, paul! be safe & have fun.
God be with you.
Paul this is a ride only you could dream up, and a ride only You could do!
Congratulations on your new challenge Paul, great stuff, I know you will accomplish your mission. I will look forward to following along in your written word. Consider yourself bookmarked on the toolbar. I am sure you will inspire many to not give up to adversity. May your travels be plenty and your troubles be few.
Paul… This is fantastic to see your story. My son who will be 48 in December, also has MS. He is a PGA Club Pro, eighteen years ago while playing a tournament, he fell face down and could not get up. He gives himself an injection every other day and is still playing golf and rides dirt bikes. He played two weeks ago in a local tournament and shot 68, still on his game.
Way to go Paul! Awesome! If ever passing through Ojai Ca, shoot us an email. You’re welcome to stop by for a rest ( if you ever rest). We’re right off the 150. Keep up the great work, I’m sure you’re an inspiration to more people than you’ll ever know.
Great job Paul, what an inspiration to many! If your travels bring you to Northern Maine (doubtful) please stop in to see us in Fort Kent!
So happy to support you on your journey! Best of luck to you in all your travels!
To publically share such a private battle takes a lot of courage. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know your quirky sense of humor and your passion for riding over the past two years. I know how important riding is to you and hope you succeed in what you’re trying to accomplish. TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!
It has been a true pleasure working with you and getting to know you and your crazy no off button sense of humor. Thanks for letting me in the closet before you were ready to go public – honored. Way to recalculate.
Best wishes on your journey.
Thank you for the support of the Team Lyle Rally in Plymouth MA. It was an honor to meet you.
I wish we could have talked longer.
See you on the road.
We are so proud to call you our brother…..So Proud.
The word “proud” doesn’t even come close. If anyone can do this it is most definitely you! Site looks great. Way to go!
I think what you are doing with your diagnosis is absolutely amazing.

I think what you are doing with a motorcycle is absolutely unbelievable.
I think what you are doing for others with MS is absolutely great.
I think you are off your rocker, and that is why I am signing up for your blog!
Good on you…Seriously…
Hi Paul, anyone with the initials PP can’t be all bad. Good luck in your quest
Paul — I missed meeting you at the pizza party, but I will look forward to following your adventure!
Ray King
While I’ve never met you, I applaud your efforts. We have another friend with MS and he’s attacking life with vigor as well.
Paul, great to see you in FL.
Maybe now the lists will not be so boring!
Looking forward to following your quest.
Great work so far Paul, anything you need in the MA/NH area give me a shout. Be happy to help you out anyway I can.
Great to have you back !!
I’m in 100%. Looking forward to seeing you later this week. Let’s make plans!
Way cool Paul
If you’re in central CT – call & we’ll get together for a ride!
Best of Luck & keep publishing your travel tales. Makes me laugh & smile!
My name is Kimiya and I am from Vallejo, Ca. I am a female rider and I am also diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I am currently organizing a motorcycle run to raise funds to donate to MS research. I salute your efforts and you have my support. I will be checking on you.
Congrats on doing the fund raiser! Awesome to hear you are riding with MS also. Any day we can ride is a good day!
Wow, one million miles, and to think I gave up riding to pursue other interest. Well let me tell you after riding for twenty years and 100,000 miles and not so much as a scratch, it was no fun being in the ER at 1:00am having a 5/0 treble hook removed from my thumb!
Good Luck Paul, See you on the road!