To receive a specialized MS 1000 Saddlesore IBA certificate, each rider must first register on Ridemaster. (Opens 2/1/19) The registration fee of $90 includes a $50 donation to the charity and the IBA fees to verify the Saddlesore, issue the specialty certificate, IBA membership, license plate backer and IBA decal.
Iron Butt Association official rules for a Saddlesore 1000
The MS 1000 can be completed any day of the year, However, there are specialty certificates awarded when completed during MS Awareness Month (March), on World MS Day (May 29th in 2019), or if you happen to have Longhaulpaul witness your start or finish!
Registration includes a $50 donation made to the charity prior to the ride attempt. Donations are non-refundable should the attempt fail to receive certification.
If you are unfamiliar with the Iron Butt Association and what a Saddlesore is, please spend some time HERE for more information and what kind of documentation is needed.
Print out the ride documentation paperwork from HERE then follow the directions below.
In a nut shell, you need to document a ride that is at least 1000 miles in under 24 hours. You should always give yourself a few extra miles (20-25) in case your odometer is off. Read the documentation paperwork and make sure you understand it completely before starting your MS 1000 attempt!
When your ride is completed, SCAN all your documentation or take clear photographs of all your paperwork and email it to: fundraiser@longhaulpaul.com to verify your ride.
Do not send any documents to the IBA.
Once your Saddlesore has been pre-verified, we will notify the Iron Butt Association and they will complete the certification process (this could take several weeks so please be patient). You will then be mailed a very special Longhaulpaul’s MS 1000 Saddlesore certificate from the IBA, along with a IBA license plate backer, and a decal. If not already a member, you will also receive your very coveted IBA # and a lifetime membership into the Iron Butt Association!