8 comments on “Presentations and Seminars

  1. Paul,
    I am a volunteer, Chair Committee Treasurer, and Route Committee Chair Committee Member for an annual MS Motorcycle fund raising event. The name of our organization is MS River Road Run. We are a 501c3 non-profit organization with no paid employees. All monies raised go to the Midwest Chapter of the National MS Society. Typically we raise around $25,000 each year. Our event is always held the third weekend in August here in Minnesota. It is a 2 day ride and Participants ride at their own pace rather than playing follow the leader. Every turn of the route is marked and we also provide turn-by-turn directions with a following support vehicle for breakdowns. The route is different every year, avoiding as many primary roads as possible. Saturday includes a continental breakfast at the starting line, a lunch stop along the route at a park, and in the evening we have the banquet, live & silent auctions, drawings for items, entertainment and whenever possible, a speaker during the banquet. Sunday simply consists of a “suggested route” back to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. This year’s 34th annual route begins at Leo’s South (a motorcycle dealership) in Lakeville, MN with the finish line on Saturday ending in Winona. We are still creating the route and our target mileage is generally around 300 miles.
    I am curious if our event is something you may be interested in joining and perhaps possibly being our guest speaker? If so, what kind of fees would we need to cover and do you need any special accommodations to be there?
    By the way, my wife was diagnosed with MS in 2001, her Mother passed from complications related to her having MS. We also have several friends who’s lives are effected, not to mention the other Volunteers and Participants involved with the MS River Road Run.
    I look forward in hearing back from you and I wish you success in your journey to 1,000,000 miles!

  2. I usually get bored easily during speaking presentations. Paul’s story was engaging, and kept me cracking up at appropriate times to keep my attention. After hearing his IBR on the Ural story I think a lot of us walked out of the room feeling a little less tough :).

  3. Pauls presentation at the IBA International Meet was hilarious. I’ve been to hundreds of presentations over the years at banquets and other events, this one ranks among the best I’ve ever heard. Makes me want to buy a Ural…..not.

  4. Your presentation at the IBA International Meeting 2014, Denver, CO was one of the funniest and most inspirational talks I have ever been fortunate to witness. To have some of the “Worlds Toughest Bikers” in absolute raptures of laughter of your experiences with motorcycles and MS was a sight to behold. Best of luck on the Million Miles.

  5. Fighting adversity is one thing. Fighting adversity with an amazing sense of humor and a great story is quite another. Your presentation at the IBA National Meet had me in tears with laughter and some tears for other reasons. Fantastic job!

  6. The presentation Paul did at the Iron Butt meet was fantastic. Humorous, informative and totally inspiring. If it were in book form I would buy several and give them to friends. The “I can do it” attitude came through loud and clear. Great job, Paul!

  7. Paul’s presentation at the IBA Biannual Meet was inspired! It was witty and appropriate to the audience. Fun, funny, inspiring with just the right touch of self- deprecating humor thrown in to keep it humble. Absolutely enjoyable, Paul!

  8. Your Iron Butt presentation was totally awesome. I’m still laughing.You should write a book about it. Very entertaining and educational. Well done, Paul.

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